"Walking In Line". 2019 Brooklyn, NY. A multi-channel video installation that shows a walker following lines from two perspectives simultaneously. A reflection on computing as a process, following instructions, viewed from different perspective.
“The computer might better be understood in terms of a practice or a set of executions or actions in relation to a world, the proper branch of philosophy that one should turn to is ethics or pragmatics, not ontology or metaphysics; as an ethics, the computer takes our execution of the world as the condition of the world’s expression. And this is the interface effect again, only in different language: the computer is not an object, or a creator of objects, it is a process or active threshold mediating between two states.” A. Galloway, The Interface Effect, 2012
Prototype 2018, San Francisco, CA. Kezar Stadium.
Concept and recording by Hans Steinbrecher with Sony E 11mm f/1.8 Lens, GoPro 12.